Philosophy Amazing Grace Fragrance

Perfume: It adds the perfect finishing touch to your day/night ahead. For us females, we look for a perfume that gives us that feminine, clean and sometimes a little flirty scent and feeling. If you're trying to impress or simply just want to feel good, a perfume can help soo much! I never used to wear perfume simply because i just forgot, but now i keep one bottle aside my makeup so i won't forget to spritz it on before leaving the house; most have beautiful packaging so they look great on display as well!

I recently received this beauty sent from Bzzagent to review. The lovely perfume i was sent was Amazing Grace from Philosophy. I would first like to bring attention to the simple yet effective packaging! The minimalist style gives you the impression of innocence and i think this reflects the scent superbly. The scent is a mix of feminine and musky. It has notes of beautiful bergamot and marvellous muguet blossoms. I feel this scent could be used both day and night so you can get a good use out of this bestseller!

 Like the name says, it's an 'Amazing' fragrance and the freshness is perfect for anyone and everyone!

If you're interested in purchasing this fragrance you can click here to take you to the product on Feel Unique. The beauty retails for £34 for 60ml which i think is super affordable compared to most over fragrances. 

That's all for today.
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